Rank Overview


    Unrated and New to Chess
    If your student is new to chess and needs to learn the rules, please book an INTRO class

  • Pawn Beginner Level


    USCF Rating: Unrated-199
    Students must know how to move the pieces and check and checkmate to join the pawn level.

  • Knight

    USCF Rating: 200-399
    The knight level is for students who have had some competitive chess experience and/or have been taking formal lessons for more than 3 months.

  • Bishop Intermediate 2


    USCF Rating: 400-649
    The bishop level is for students who have had about 12 months of competitive chess experience and/or have been taking formal lessons for more than 12 months.

  • Rook

    USCF Rating: 650-999
    Students at the rook level have had 2-3 years of formal chess lessons and/or tournament experience.

  • Queen

    USCF Rating: 1000-1299
    Students must have a US Chess rating of 1000 before joining this rank.

  • King

    USCF Rating: 1300-1599
    Students must have a US Chess rating of 1300 before joining this rank.

  • Future Masters

    USCF Rating: 1600-1999
    Students in this rating range get access to special titled player camps and private lessons.