Bellaire-Houston Classes

Chess Education for Kids! Our experienced teachers will guide your child, whether they are just starting out or already familiar with the game. Take advantage of our 10-day trial, which allows your child to attend one class per week and participate in one of our club nights at the academy.


  • Attend Any 1 Class Per Week


  • Attend Multiple Classes Per Week

  • Unlimited Open Play

  • 25% off Scholastic Tournaments

  • Free Book Rentals

  • Free Entry to any Weekly Swiss


  • Attend Multiple Classes Per Week

  • Attend Open Play (1 Day and Location)

  • 25% off Scholastic Tournaments

Bellaire Class Times
(Coming March 2025)

Program Information

  • Trial Period

    During your 10-day trial of the Group Class Program, you can attend one in-person class each week and one club night. Other features remain restricted until payment is made after the trial. You can request to skip the trial for quicker access to all features. After the trial, your selected plan activates, charges apply, and no refunds or extensions are available for unused services. Online classes are not offered during the trial period.

  • Billing & Discounts

    The payment will automatically renew each month on the same date as your initial payment. You can manage your account information through our Stripe portal. We do not charge any registration or cancellation fees. Enjoy $25 off per month with sibling registration on any of our plans by selecting the sibling add-on at checkout.

  • Pause or Cancel

    There are no fees for canceling, signing up, pausing, or switching plans. Please fill out our convenient form or adjust your account in your Stripe profile.

    Plan Change Request

  • Promotion

    Students are promoted based on their US Chess rating, exam score, and/or coaches' recommendations. Each student may take the promotion test only once every 30 days

  • Open Play Night

    Open Play is a weekly event where players can come together to play chess and practice. We provide all the necessary equipment!

  • Referral Program

    If you refer new members to our program and they enroll in any of our group class plans online, you may be eligible for a $50 check or credit toward your account. This referral bonus is exclusively available to current group class program members.

  • Class Structure

    Each class includes a 20-minute interactive lesson, a 10-minute Master Game for review, a 10-minute worksheet to reinforce concepts, and a 20-minute play segment for creative application in a relaxed setting.